About Me

I have been making knives since 2015 for fun and the hobby evolved into a love of the craft. Over the years, I have honed my skills through much trial and error. Once I had gotten my knives to a consistent level of quality I began to sell them to friends who were interested in the outdoors. 

I am an avid fisherman, hunter and general outdoorsman. I make knives that I want to use in my adventures. My background in the outdoors is where I derive my knife designs from. I know how to use my knives and what would make them a good fit for the jobs required in the outdoors, from starting fire to processing an animal.

My professional life has lead me down the standard path of a creative, I received a Bachelors of Fine Arts from UCSD, and proceeded to a career of designer/product designer. My design career has taken me all over the place, designing things that I have more or less interest in. Knife making has given me an outlet for my creative impulses, blending my design background with my outdoors experience gives my knives a utilitarian advantage.